Local news for local people by local people



All the latest information, news and entertainment is available on a USB stick, Alexa/Google Play, Talking Newspaper phone app and on the BWBF Website.

To add talking newspapers to Alexa just say "alexa enable my talking newspaper"

The phone app is on Google Play and Apple Store it is called Talking Newspaper and published by British Wireless for the Blind Fund.

The BWBF/TNF App is a joint venture between British Wireless for the Blind Fund and Talking News Federation.

Finally our service is available on the web here

The fortnightly Swindon & District Talking Newspaper (STAN) gives blind, visually impaired and disabled listeners an independent means of keeping in touch with what's going on in the local community.

The recording is produced fortnightly and is circulated to listeners on a memory stick or via the TNF/BWBF app. It contains local news items from the Swindon Advertiser, and features of general interest including sport, local history and interviews; plus articles, interviews and information produced specifically for visually impaired people from the BBC, RNIB and TNF Soundings.

The Talking Newspaper is available free to any visually impaired person interested in receiving it.

·  Becoming a listener

·  What's on the usb stick

·  Producing the local news

·  Becoming a volunteer

·  Donations to STAN

·  About us

·  How to contact us

·  Useful links


Swindon & District Talking Newspaper Association
Registered Charity No. 284665
Telephone 01793 522511